School Admin FAQs
School Admin FAQ
What are acceptable forms of ID?
A non-expired government-issued photo identification card. (Driver's License, passport, state-issued identification card)
School Admin FAQ
What is an acceptable passport photo?
A recent, color photo taken within the last three months. Background must be white. You cannot wear a hat or head covering (unless you normally wear it daily for religious purposes)
No headphones, sunglasses, or similar items can be worn (Glasses are acceptable if prescription).
School Admin FAQ
Is there a different application process for students with Felony Convictions?
Yes, Students with Felony convictions require approval from the Executive Director prior to enrollment pursuant to AB319. Complete the Felony Document Submission Form
School Admin FAQ
What is a Student Enrollment?
An internal online process between a licensed Nevada School of Cosmetology and the Board of Cosmetology that indicates a student has been enrolled in a cosmetology program.
School Admin FAQ
What is a Student Completion?
An internal online process between a licensed Nevada School of Cosmetology and the Board of Cosmetology that indicates whether a student is eligible for testing.
School Admin FAQ
What is a Student Withdrawal?
An internal online process between a licensed Nevada School of Cosmetology and the Board of Cosmetology that indicates that a student has withdrawn from a cosmetology program.
School Admin FAQ
What if a student is changing schools or programs?
A withdrawal must be completed. If changing programs an enrollment for the new program must be submitted. If transferring to another school a letter of credit is needed, please contact Students must be financially current for the school to release the hours and a letter of credit be issued by the board.
School Admin FAQ
How long do students have to complete failed portion(s) of their practical?
A failed practical must be completed 30 days from the initial test date.
School Admin FAQ
When can a student sit for their practical?
Practical Exams can be administered to students within 100 hours of completion
School Admin FAQ
What if a students fails their exams?
For Practical retakes students should contact their school for scheduling.
For Theory and Law retakes students should contact the board office at (702) 508-0015.
School Admin FAQ
When are Theory and Law test available for students?
Theory and Law Exams are held daily, students must have a valid enrollment, completion, and successfully passed Practical in order to sit for the Theory and Law Exams.
School Admin FAQ
Can an individual who is NOT a licensed instructor provide eyelash certification courses at the school?
Any individual providing instruction within a licensed school of cosmetology must have an active instructors license.